Tuesday, October 26, 2010

This Oct 26th is our last night at Shadow Ridge RV Park in Ajo, Arizona. Tomorrow we will drive to Tucson and be parking our motor home at the Border Patrol station for a few days while we go to the Parent's Retreat this next weekend at Little Rock Arkansas. We will fly back to Tucson and then park at the Rincon Country West RV park which is close to Celia's home.

Tomorrow is also your birthday, Angie Lou. Hope yours is a good day there in Atlanta, and that the midwest weather isn't going to hit where you live. I will try to keep writing on this blog, as that was what you requested for your birthday gift.

Right now it is 5:45 and I am sitting on a picnic table bench outside our motorhome in my sleeveless white T shirt. The sun just went down and the sunset is always awesome here in Ajo.

Here there is the crunch of gravel when people walk, and blue sky days. We have met people who used to winter in Mexico but are staying at this park instead this year. Today we went to the dollar store, and had lunch at the little cafe where we all ate when we were here 4 years ago.
We bought some postcards at the pharmacy in downtown Ajo and stamps at the post office, and I went into the library here awhile.
We went to the BP station again today and talked with Shannon McCormick. The PAIC Jack Jeffreys gave Terry a summer Border Patrol hat. We also went back to Napa auto parts and picked up the valve for the hot water heater for the motorhome, and talked with Alex Harper again. He said he would come see us tonight where we are parked.

So, I have washed clothes and they are finishing drying hanging up. In a little bit, I will finish packing the suitcase for our Little Rock trip, so it will be ready for when we fly out on the 28th.
We drove by Celia and David's house but it is locked up and Celia couldn't come over while we were here with the key, but I did want to go inside, just to see. I feel you girls with me because we were all here together. And of course I feel David. He is here, but not here. I feel he would have moved on from Ajo eventually and had another position in the BP as teaching Spanish or something similiar.

I have taken some pictures and will share as soon as I can.... I miss knowing exactly what to do to put pictures from my camera to the facebook..... I know you showed me once, Katrina. Tell me again, ok? I know it is simple, but I have to keep doing something and make it a habit. (I miss you, Tim) :)
Stephanie, I read your blog about Sophia's room, and it was cute.

How are Terry and I getting along? I let him know when I need more space and he thinks I am putting him down a lot, but I am standing up so I can breathe, and even though his name if he were an Indian would have been "Loudly Talks a Lot" I get my words in there. He wonders why we argue so much, and he has no clue. But you all knew his personality already. Mostly we are good friends and work well together.

Onward and upward.... Will write more regarding Parent's Retreat when we return to Tucson. I am not taking the laptop with me there.
Love to all of you, my special family. I want to see McKenna, Jimmy with glasses, and hug my Tucker. I miss the grandbabies.... My cell phone still works, guys; you can call me, too. I know you miss me and that helps when I miss you too. But the sunshine is nice at least.
Mom, Grandma, and GGmaK


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Hi from San Diego, Sunday Oct 17

Missing my family at home. At least I can get online now. We are safe and secure at Terry's cousin Bill Hawkins (and Jeanette) home. Angie, how are you doing? email me at karenjudithreed@gmail.com as the msn email is no longer accessible for more than a few minutes at a time. Jimmy, you will like your glasses, especially when you can actually 'see' things.

I love you all. k

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Hi everyone
We are leaving Joann's and heading towards Pamona CA today. In just a few hours we will be going over the mountains. Had a Wonderful visit here in Myrtle Creek and will be coming back; hey, if you ever can't find me, look here first.
Gotta go; catch you later..

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Getting ready to head South, we went tonight to spend an evening with Terry's daughter and was with her little family for a while. Their little Emma is so sweet; one year old and walking and almost talking, too. Tomorrow we take his mother out for lunch.. Just spending some time and not really saying 'goodbye' before we leave on Oct 8.

Terry has double checked the tires on the MH. He has made sure the tow dolly fits right, and the wiring hooked up right. He already has put the mud flap on the back of the MH. We are beginning to pack. But before that, I will go to Portland for a few days, for book club(s), and to hug my little grandchildren there. That is the hardest part to leave for months at a time.

My weekend in Tucson was good, and the skies were so blue all the time. I loved being with the two grandsons there, too.
I almost forgot how to get into my blogspot, so will have to do it more often.
Good night for now..... ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Today Lolly said "Be Safe" when I go to help Celia with the boys this next weekend; leaving in the morning at 6am. Will be back the eve of the 21st. Well, OK I will be careful, and God will keep me safe for you.

Today Ron downloaded the Mobile Broadbend on my laptop, so that is done. What a guy.

So if I make sure Skype is automatically available when I turn on the laptop, and also fix my phone so I can get on facebook and yak or whatever then I should be all set.

Terry changed the oil in the car and the motor home today. He has put a stone guard mud flap on the back of the motor home, and fixed the bumper. When I get back from AZ we will begin to 'pack' the MH. I will have a week to do that before book club. Then I bring the car back so it can be put on the tow dolly. On October 7, Dish Network is shutting off, Refuse stopped, , Newspaper too,,,,,, Four neighbors and one friend will be watching the house, watering my plants and picking up my mail and forwarding what needs to be.. Things are lining up for the adventure. I may as well look forward to it, because it is beginning to h.a.p.p.e.n., hummmm.
Love, Ma

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Yesterday we went to Verizon and set up wireless Mobil Broadbend so we can be able to use the laptop Anywhere there is cell phone coverage.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Saturday Sept. 11

A day of remembering. Lifes were changed that day.

I was reading the things I wrote back in 2006 on this blog; how things were before David had his accident and all our lives here were changed.

Three years of not writing... Working my way through missing my son. I knew my son. I miss his wit and his knowledge. He had a capacity for understanding me, that no one else besides my girls have had. The way we could look across the room and know what we were thinking, for instance.

A mother has held that man when he was a little boy, and kissed his hurts away. Seen his laughter, seen him grow. Seen him sing in the Chamber Choir in Ashland, and took square dancing lessons with him... He worked his way through having had cancer when he was 17. He quit smoking, he had a family and loved his children....

David once said that Life is energy. Energy in a body. Life, Soul - they are energy that make the body move, feel, love, hurt, etc. David told Celia that death didn't matter, it was only a change of place for the energy .... and he put himself as an example like this.... "when I die, that will only mean that the energy has left my body - - - but my energy will continue to live, in the surroundings, anywhere that energy wants to go, it will be there. The wind is energy; love is energy.... a tree is full of energy. I have energy, I am alive, but when my body loses that energy, it will only be my body going to dust. I will still be around."

I miss you David. I knew your principles, your feelings, your standards. I will love you always. I know you would want me to remember you, but not grieve deeply forever. You would want me to be proud of you, and I am. You taught me to live in the moment, love my life, and take care of myself.

OK that said, this blog is going to be about my going down South for this winter. Probably I should have just created a whole new blog, but I didn't. This is for you, my girls, who have asked me to write often and keep in touch this way........ I Shall Return. I'll be Back. Let us just face this adventure together, and not get dramatic... We have Skype too, you know.